Congresswoman criticizes Trump for mocking her defeat and blasts Republicans for not doing more to appeal to minority voters
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human rights urges senators to reject Thomas Farr and Jonathan Kobes for lifetime appointments
Singer says constant speculation over his sexuality is causing him anxiety and stress
ICE spokeswoman contests autopsy's findings, saying Roxsana Hernández was never abused while in custody
Russia's ban on public LGBTQ events violates the freedoms and rights of its citizens, the ECHR ruled
Rider University removed the franchise from a list of options due to a perceived anti-LGBTQ stance
16-year-old allegedly made threatening calls to dbar and The Alley
The BeVisible wall was created to help the city's LGBTQ residents feel more connected
MassResistance plans "peaceful protests" to pressure politicians and library officials into cancelling event
When all votes were tallied, a married gay couple who ran as part of the D.C. Libertarian Party’s all-gay slate outperformed the Republican Party in the...
Department of Justice tries to circumvent lower courts in an effort to expel transgender service members
The Trump administration has been pressuring the national 4-H youth organization to rescind a policy allowing LGBTQ participants — setting in motion a series of...
From queerbaiting to a stretched racism allegory, here's everything wrong with J.K. Rowling's latest film
Michael Ely missed the 9-month eligibility requirement because of Arizona's ban same-sex marriage
Policy change was prompted by a lawsuit claiming female inmates are "threatened" by the mere presence of transgender women
40 Republicans demanded Trump strip protections for LGBTQ workers from a North American trade deal
Lawsuit argues cisgender students are threatened and harmed by having to share facilities with transgender students
Waiver would allow agencies to discriminate against prospective foster parents based on a number of characteristics
Officials objected to a book that contained "male homosexual behaviour"
Cross Coburn, 19, lost his seat in a recall election after public backlash to the leak.