LGBT members of an anti-gay party have been banned from marching in London's Pride parade
Next month, a NASA probe will reach Pluto, finally unlocking its mysteries
Peru is home to one of the most famed ancient cultures: the Incans. With its cities high above the ocean, and unique styles of farming...
From Philadelphia to Alaska, here are our top picks for the summer of 2015
Heading to the beach this weekend? Don't forget to bring along the common sense
Charles Busch's edgy satire is a showcase for two local actresses
A California judge has struck down a ludicrous ballot initiative which proposed legalizing the killing of gay people. The Sodomite Suppression Act was filed on...
Frank Kameny, the longtime LGBT rights activist credited with spearheading the fight that eventually allowed LGBT people to work for the federal government, was inducted into the...
Representatives from civil liberties, LGBT and reproductive rights groups have bonded together to fight against congressional interference in D.C. after a U.S. House of Representatives committee last...
It’s time for whites –- including LGBTs –- to move beyond willful ignorance when it comes to race in America
Working document offers some nuance, but no major doctrinal changes
Hip hop artist Shamir made the basement of U Street Music Hall into his own kind of party
To put politics into Biblical terms, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is now reaping what he has sown. The Republican presidential candidate and social issues crusader...
Tiny British protectorate legalizes same-sex marriage, even though there are no gay couples on the island
British activist claims Jesus had no attraction to women, not even morning wood
— One Million Moms, a conservative action group and division of the American Family Association, writing on their site. “There is additional concern about the...
Pope Francis, writing in his encyclical, has called upon transgender people to accept the body they were born with as “God’s gift.” “The acceptance of...
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Metro Weekly – 06-18-15 – Post Pride by MetroWeekly
The last time Georgio Moroder put his name to an album was 1985. He had scored a surprise hit with Human League vocalist Philip Oakey...