The Kennedy Center presents several august classical companies, foremost among them the Royal Ballet. Wolf Trap welcomes two dancers, with two choreographers, known from their...
Comedy, Readings, Lectures, Miscellany
Shawn Short is humbled by the impact of his annual dance event focused on the LGBT experience
Many restaurants offer specials designed to get you to the theater on time
The National Cherry Blossom Festival has grown in recent years
Battlefield Hardline’s focus on cops and robbers is a big change for the series -- or is it?
A brief history of the Texas senator's conservative views
California Attorney General Kamala Harris is asking a state court to allow her to halt a proposed ballot initiative calling for the execution of gays
LaRuby May has surged to victory at the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club’s Ward 8 endorsement forum. One of 13 candidates running in the April 28...
— Facebook post by writer Kevin Sessums in reference to the HBO TV series, Looking. UPDATE: Since this post was written, HBO has officially cancelled Looking....
Sen. James Inhofe is taking direct aim at marriage equality
— John Keefe, whose application for an Oklahoma license plate that said “LGBTALY” was rejected by the state’s tax commission. According to, a representative...
— Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore speaking at a Monday rally in support of “Biblical marriage.” Moore, who has openly defied a federal court order striking...
It's official: Ted Cruz is running for president
— Chipotle spokesman Chris Arnold, in comments to the Huffington Post responding to statements by U.S. Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) and U.S. Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.)...
–Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito (R-Mass.), as quoted in an article by Boston Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham. Polito, who once led the charge against marriage equality in the...
— Actor James Franco, in an interview appearing in Four Two Nine magazine, where the actor and cultural icon challenges societal notions surrounding sexuality. In the interview,...
It’s been more than three years since transgender youth Deoni Jones was stabbed to death on February 2, 2012. On Friday morning, a mental observation...
The government of Puerto Rico announced Friday it will no longer defend the U.S. territory’s ban on same-sex marriage. Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda told reporters...
–Republican presidential contender and former Florida governor Jeb Bush, speaking to reporters in Atlanta, Georgia regarding a proposed piece of legislation which would legalize “religious...