Short on length, big on impact, these gay films are a must-see
The NSA hacked the company that makes your SIM card
“As the proud grandpa of a transgender grandchild, I hope she can feel safe at school without fear of being bullied.” — U.S. Rep. Mike...
Gay conservatives once again will have no official presence at CPAC
If a study of opposition to same-sex marriage in the early primary states is any indication, Republican voters are continuing to come around on equality....
"I don’t understand why it would assume that homosexuals wouldn’t pay for their tickets and that they need to be monitored."
Texas now has a legally married same-sex couple.
Jon Gann realized his true calling after seeing what was missing at film festivals everywhere
King Hedley II is a ruthlessly honest examination of the profound costs of prejudice
Atlas's Intersections Festival returns for more cross-cultural mixing
Sleepy Hollow is part of the Washington Ballet's 10-year American Experience project
Aggressive strain of HIV appears in Cuba
Kate Brown is now the first out LGBT person to serve as governor in the U.S.
“I believe marriage is between one man and one woman. I believe that federal judges are acting beyond the scope of their power in overturning the...
GOP lawmakers call for reinstatement of anti-gay Atlanta fire chief
“The County Attorney is taking a look at it…. But for now, the order doesn’t tell one to start issuing marriage licenses, so I don’t...
Will Defense Secretary Ashton Carter finally order a review of the military's transgender ban?
If the last week proved anything to Virginia’s LGBT community, it’s that one always needs to keep an eye on the machinations of the commonwealth’s...
Life is Strange's first episode establishes an intriguing narrative and an engrossing female protagonist
Oregon Secretary of State to replace resigning Gov. John Kitzhaber