Despite 78 percent of Americans believing that gays can parent at least as well as straight parents, only 61 percent say they support allowing gay...
“I’m gay, I’m a Latino, and I’m a senator. And it’s okay.” — Arizona state Senator Steve Gallardo (D.), coming out to reporters in the...
Let’s get this out of the way first: if you’re coming to South Park: The Stick of Truth because you like turn-based RPGs, you’re going to be...
At Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress (MWC), the largest exhibition of its kind, technology companies from all over the world convene to showcase the best and...
Metro Weekly – 03-06-14 – Chris Svoboda by MetroWeekly
Dear Carbohydrates, I was just sitting around thinking about you the other day and wanted to write. I know it’s been a while. I have...
What did you get the last time you won an award? A certificate? Maybe a medal? A nice bouquet? For athletes competing in the Olympics,...
Ed Bailey can't say for certain that Thunderpuss's monster '90s-era club jams were first played publicly at D.C.'s Velvet Nation. ''I think that that's what...
Have you ever nodded off at the theater? Do you worry that you might be particularly prone to doing just that during Shakespeare, the bard...
Center stage is quite possibly the last place you'll find Chris Svoboda. While she's had a hand in multiple efforts over the years, she's made...
Not long ago, things were calm and somber in Uganda. But bigoted evangelical Christians from the U.S. seeking to promote a homophobic agenda led to...
“I have a message for the presidents of Nigeria and Uganda: You are on the wrong side of history.” — Actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg...
D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) last week announced that the District of Columbia's Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking (DISB) would be advising health insurance...
''My show is really high-energy, a lot of dancing -- Baltimore club dancing,'' Rye Rye says. Anyone who's seen the Charm City rapper perform knows...
''All three of these choreographers are at the top of their game,'' Septime Webre says, referring to Trey McIntyre, Christopher Bruce and Christopher Wheeldon. As...
British broadcaster Channel 4 is celebrating the start of same-sex weddings in England and Wales in the most appropriate way possible: by televising an hour-long...
“In a Post-ABC poll in March 2004, 38 percent said same-sex marriage should be legal, while 59 percent said it should not, the same percentage...
“Religious liberties and the protection of our religious liberties is right. Right now, there’s a terrible intolerance afoot in the United States, and it’s against...
Twenty-five years ago this March, after months of feverish anticipation, one of the most successful pop albums of the ‘80s hit stores with a whiff...
A number of prominent conservatives from western states urged the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down state bans on same-sex marriage in a...