''The Walking Dead, that game broke me.'' Aisha Tyler is sitting in a cramped, cluttered side room within the Ubisoft encampment at E3, the video...
With two new consoles launching this holiday season, it can be difficult to choose which is more deserving of your hard-earned dollars. Each has a...
In the comfortable second-floor meeting space of Dupont Circle's Le Mirch restaurant Wednesday evening, Nov. 13, the conversation had zero to do with anything so...
The American dream, more than whatever else, is a longing for health and wealth. We want to live and make good livings. So, naturally, the...
Relatively few people ever got the chance to see Edie Beale perform cabaret. ''She was getting calls from all over the world, and she just...
''Have we really come very far in terms of acceptance?'' Actor Michael Stebbins says that's a question provoked by the play I Am My Own...
Among the chief benefits of membership in the Capital Area Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, aka The Chamber, according to many members, are the...
Next year, Nigel Williams turns 40. He insists the four-decade mark is causing him none of the midlife angst it does for so many. ''I...
It is hard to see Yael Farber's play Mies Julie without reflecting on J.M. Coetzee's extraordinary novel Disgrace. Both set in post-apartheid South Africa, each...
Another Halloween has already come and gone, but a mysterious specter is still haunting the stage at the Keegan Theatre. Maybe if its full story...
With the holidays around the corner, plenty of us are bound to find ourselves in alien surroundings. It might be at the family home of...
As Washington's LGBT community puts the final touches on a ceremony marking the Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov. 20, the mood of this year's D.C....
Oh HBO, why couldn’t you have teased just a little more? The network renowned for sex, violence and Lena Dunham has released the first official...
A tabulation of provisional ballots in vote-rich Fairfax County, coupled with a statewide re-canvass of votes from other areas, has given state Sen. Mark Herring...
“All of those who have been invisible will now be visible to themselves and the whole world.” — Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie before signing marriage...
“I can’t believe the progress we have made. If you are anywhere around my age, you could not have dreamt in your growing up that...
It’s hard to believe, but the LGBT champion and pop icon Cyndi Lauper turned 60 this year, and her solo debut album She’s So Unusual turned 30....
Del. Heather Mizeur (D-Montgomery Co.), running to become Maryland’s first female governor and first openly lesbian governor, will announce her selection of lieutenant governor late...
Read Justin Snow’s report on the Hawaii same-sex marriage vote here. Join our e-mail list. Follow @metroweekly
“Whenever freedom and equality are affirmed, our country becomes stronger. By giving loving gay and lesbian couples the right to marry if they choose, Hawaii...