In a rather smart PR move — and the cynic in me suggests this is more than just automotive goodwill — Hyundai has announced they...
Ford's Theatre has announced that due to the shutdown of the federal government, performances of The Laramie Project have been canceled ''as long as the...
Calling a country ''democratic'' doesn't necessarily mean much when it comes to human rights. At least, not in Serbia, with its hopes of being accepted...
As the federal government officially enters its first shutdown in 17 years, local political candidates for office on both sides of the aisle are using...
The jury is still out on the different types of muscle fibers and what exactly they accomplish in the body. However, it doesn’t hurt to...
Already exhausted everything GTA V has to offer? Seriously? Wow. I’m impressed. Anyway, now, Rockstar is giving you even more ways to interact with the...
“Most libertarians understand that there is more to liberty than just low taxes and the right to bear arms. Regardless of their personal religious views,...
West Virginia became the latest state to face a federal lawsuit challenging the state’s same-sex marriage ban following a Tuesday filing by Lambda Legal. Filed...
You have to admit that as gay people we have some considerable experience at losing. While the pace of change in recent years for LGBT...
ExxonMobil received praise when the oil giant announced Friday that it would extend equal employee benefits to same-sex married couples beginning Oct. 1. But with...
Motorcyclists in NYC, involved in a collision with an SUV, chased down and assaulted the driver after he attempted to flee the scene of the...
The star legal duo who took on California’s same-sex marriage ban have set their sights on a new target — and the ramifications could be...
This week we look back at the Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 this week 28 years ago, in the September 28, 1985 edition...
This is shaping up to be the biggest week yet for Justin Timberlake, whose turn as a Hollywood leading man comes Friday, Oct. 4, with...
Tonight Christoph Eschenbach kicks off the new season of the National Symphony Orchestra with a bang, bringing in superstar cellist Yo-Yo Ma and gay rising...
On Wednesday, pasta company chairman Guido Barilla remarked that he would not depict “a homosexual family” in Barilla’s advertisements because he “didn’t agree with them.” ...
Every weekend, Landmark’s E Street Cinema screens a cult classic as part of its Midnight Madness screening series — most famously The Rocky Horror Picture...
A New Jersey judge Friday ordered state officials to begin performing same-sex marriages beginning October 21. In a ruling that directly cited the Supreme Court’s...
Any day can be a good gay day to take in the riches of upper Northwest D.C.’s Hillwood Estate and Museums, the well-preserved mansion and...
The second woman seen in an online video apparently attacking a local drag performer in a June 23 incident at a restaurant at 14th and...