This week, the Senate introduced a bill on comprehensive immigration reform, taking our national conversation on this issue to the next level. With legislative battles...
Washington, D.C. Maryland Virginia A complete guide to all participating restaurants as of press time, by neighborhood, including meals and what percentage of each bill...
At the last turn of the century, Jim Ball, a New Jersey native, was working in PR and marketing, another dynamic transplant to Manhattan. Christopher...
Like basically every other white person who happens to be a citizen of the United States of America, I'm the product of immigration. I come...
As the citizens of our nation's capital prepare to head to the polls once more, there are two very important items in the upcoming April...
Pat Hawkins is trying to remake the image of medical marijuana as the District prepares to make it a reality. Hawkins, a clinical social worker,...
Last year, just before the band ''fun.'' became a mainstream pop sensation -- and an eventual Grammy winner -- the trio appeared at the Sweetlife...
It's no surprise Coriolanus isn't staged as often as Shakespeare's other tragedies -- the protagonist is as inscrutable as he is excitable, the battle scenes...
Uncomplicated, yet exciting. That's the mantra to keep in mind when trying to impress or turn the head of Andres, a 23-year-old Puerto Rican native...
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Hundreds of Peter Rauhofer‘s fans expressed well wishes for the famed dance music producer and DJ...
Rhode Islanders United for Marriage, the group seeking to legalize marriage equality in the Ocean State, released two online advertisements Monday and will hold three...
The White House made no promises Wednesday to push for a comprehensive immigration bill that includes protections for binational same-sex couples. Speaking to reporters, White...
“In our society, the meaning of marriage is universal — it’s a declaration of love and commitment to a special person. Nothing could make me...
Don’t moan to me that you have nothing to do this weekend. There’s plenty to do. Here are four incredible examples. To start, there’s the...
A transgender woman who was turned away from a D.C. women's temporary homeless shelter due to her gender identity has won her fight against the...
A bipartisan group of eight senators unveiled their highly anticipated plan for comprehensive immigration reform on Tuesday, confirming what many LGBT advocates had anticipated: Protections...
“When visitors or residents are subjected to discrimination, they suffer the sting of indignity, humiliation and outrage, but we are all demeaned and our society...
“This is the way a violent society develops.” Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, the archbishop of Paris, telling a gathering of French bishops April 16 that legalizing...
I have been following the recent furor over Councilmember Anita Bonds's response to a statement made by George T. Johnson – a local leader in...