Nearly 300 businesses and city governments filed a brief with the Supreme Court today calling for the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which forbids federal...
The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Tuesday heard testimony on SB449 – a bill to prohibit discrimination against transgender and gender-nonconforming people in Maryland in...
The trial of a Michael Poth, a now-former Marine accused of stabbing a fellow Marine during an altercation in D.C.'s Barracks Row neighborhood in April...
After weeks of delay, the U.S. Senate today confirmed Chuck Hagel as the next secretary of defense, voting 58-41. The vote comes nearly two months...
More than 80 Republicans and conservatives have attached their names to a brief to be filed with the Supreme Court later this week arguing that...
Episode 1 of the second season of the monthly competition at Town Danceboutique in Washington, D.C. Five new amateur contestants -- Kim Deneeda, Renee Porcelain...
“hy is it that all of the big gay non-profits, from the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)...
The D.C. Council voted 11-2 Monday on a resolution reprimanding Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), one of the city’s two gay councilmembers, over findings in...
GOProud picked up an unlikely ally over the weekend when liberal commentator Chris Hayes issued an ultimatum to the organizers of the Conservative Political Action...
The new media were ablaze on the evening of Feb. 22 after U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli filed a brief in United States v. Windsor...
A trip to the District more than two years ago convinced Justin to uproot himself and make D.C. his new home. The 28-year-old Alabama native...
In midtown Manhattan, the new Westin New York Grand Central is offering fitness enthusiasts the New Year, New You travel package that includes accommodations, free Wi-Fi,...
The Obama administration urged the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act in a brief filed Friday, declaring the 1996 federal law...
A D.C. Superior Court judge this morning reprimanded Ahmad Robinson, accused of attacking a transgender woman in D.C.'s Chinatown neighborhood in August, for not complying...
The trial of one Marine accused of stabbing another in an altercation in D.C.'s Barracks Row neighborhood last April could be delayed a week, after...
Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) introduced a resolution Thursday that would officially reprimand Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), one of D.C.'s two out gay councilmembers,...
Former Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman announced his support for same-sex marriage Thursday, declaring marriage equality to be a “conservative cause.” “We are at a...
White House press secretary Jay Carney today left open the possibility that the Obama administration will take a public stance and file a brief in...
“Regardless of sexual orientation, ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ is acceptable in all references to individuals in any legally recognized marriage. ‘Spouse’ or ‘partner’ may be used...
For U.S. LGBT travelers going abroad, the State Department wants you to know that it has your back. That was the message given Wednesday during...