Metro Weekly

Life + Leisure

  • Environs

    To the manor born - historic guest cottage in Chevy Chase now permanent 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA home for 2 GWM who happily brave...

  • Credit Nightmares

    Gather round, kiddies, I have a spooky tale to tell. Lurking in the shadows, a trio of monsters is watching your every move. They know...

  • Environs

    Photos by Todd Franson From crack house to Townhouse -- This once run-down 2BR, 2 1/2 BA home in Shaw has found new life in...

  • ABCs of Hepatitis

    How do you know if you're at risk for hepatitis? Well, do you have anal or oral sex? How about rimming? Have you ever shared...

  • Environs

    Photography by Todd Franson Idle hands are the gay man's plaything, and you'll find them all over this 3BR, 2BA three-story townhouse on Capitol Hill,...

  • Making a Statement

    For most investors, the goal is simple: Make as much money as possible. How their companies make the money doesn't really matter, so long as...

  • Environs

    Want history? Here's a 2BR, 2BA condo on Logan Circle built by the son of a president. After years of rumored ill-repute and general ramshackleness,...

  • Buzzworthy

    Photography by Todd Franson Much buzz accompanied the opening of David Greggory late last spring. It is, after all, the handsome and stylish collaboration of...

  • Push for Pap

    If a woman rarely or never has sex with men, should she still get regular Pap smears? Absolutely, say experts in lesbian health. Yet a...

  • Toast with the Most

    Villaware's Uno Classic Since their introduction into the home in 1926, toasters have become a culinary icon spawning dozens of incarnations -- from the classic...

  • Color Me Now

    Raven's Rage, Wine Tasting, maybe Hot Amber? In the world of wall paint ''Red'' simply doesn't describe a whole lot. With paint for every shade...

  • Small Plates, Big Tastes

    Photography by Todd Franson Everywhere you look these days restaurants are increasingly emphasizing small portions, either as a reflection of cultural preferences or as a...

  • Environs

    Shake what your momma gave ya! 1 BR, 2 BA condo loft in Adams Morgan with open spaces perfect for unwinding, relaxing, and filling with...

  • Environs

    MORE STUFF THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE in a 3BR, 2 1/2BA townhouse plus atrium, all in two floors and a basement. Renovated and refined over...

  • Environs

    4BR, 2BA Victorian in Logan Circle, with original stained glass, working dumbwaiter, and two modern refrigerators in a refurbished kitchen. Big airy rooms. Refurbished floors....