To the manor born - historic guest cottage in Chevy Chase now permanent 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA home for 2 GWM who happily brave...
Gather round, kiddies, I have a spooky tale to tell. Lurking in the shadows, a trio of monsters is watching your every move. They know...
Photos by Todd Franson From crack house to Townhouse -- This once run-down 2BR, 2 1/2 BA home in Shaw has found new life in...
How do you know if you're at risk for hepatitis? Well, do you have anal or oral sex? How about rimming? Have you ever shared...
Photography by Todd Franson Idle hands are the gay man's plaything, and you'll find them all over this 3BR, 2BA three-story townhouse on Capitol Hill,...
For most investors, the goal is simple: Make as much money as possible. How their companies make the money doesn't really matter, so long as...
Want history? Here's a 2BR, 2BA condo on Logan Circle built by the son of a president. After years of rumored ill-repute and general ramshackleness,...
Photography by Todd Franson Much buzz accompanied the opening of David Greggory late last spring. It is, after all, the handsome and stylish collaboration of...
If a woman rarely or never has sex with men, should she still get regular Pap smears? Absolutely, say experts in lesbian health. Yet a...
Villaware's Uno Classic Since their introduction into the home in 1926, toasters have become a culinary icon spawning dozens of incarnations -- from the classic...
Raven's Rage, Wine Tasting, maybe Hot Amber? In the world of wall paint ''Red'' simply doesn't describe a whole lot. With paint for every shade...
Photography by Todd Franson Everywhere you look these days restaurants are increasingly emphasizing small portions, either as a reflection of cultural preferences or as a...
Shake what your momma gave ya! 1 BR, 2 BA condo loft in Adams Morgan with open spaces perfect for unwinding, relaxing, and filling with...
MORE STUFF THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE in a 3BR, 2 1/2BA townhouse plus atrium, all in two floors and a basement. Renovated and refined over...
4BR, 2BA Victorian in Logan Circle, with original stained glass, working dumbwaiter, and two modern refrigerators in a refurbished kitchen. Big airy rooms. Refurbished floors....