Metro Weekly


  • Congratulations, Coverboys

    During my pre-Metro Weekly years, I would pick up an issue and go straight to Coverboy Confidential. I still read it, of course, but now...

  • Cities of Refuge

    On the night of Dec. 1, members of Light Brigade Maryland, joined by members of GetEqual DC and the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA),...

  • The Waiting Game

    So, after weeks and months of careful consideration, voluminous reading and personal consultations with friends and family, I'm finally ready to make an important announcement:...

  • The Naked Truth

    Had you asked me a few years back what I thought were the advantages of being half of a gay, childless couple, I'm pretty sure...

  • Family at Cliffside

    The greatest contribution of Steven Spielberg's Lincoln is that it shows our 16th president not marching majestically toward Mount Rushmore, but deeply immersed in the...

  • Days Go By

    Soap operas were a kind of omnipresent force of entertainment during my youth. Many of them are long gone by now, distant memories for aging...

  • Welcome to Missibama

    As we move into the holiday season, imagine a Southern town square with a resplendent Nativity scene on some warm December evening. Nearby, lights shine...

  • What a Night to be Gay

    Elections tend to turn me into a bit of a nervous Nellie. Not a full-on drama queen like Andrew Sullivan, who set the sky-is-falling gold...

  • Still Facing Wolves

    Totemism, in which a group identifies with a symbolic animal, survives mostly in sports teams. But modern politics also has a totemic aspect, though not...

  • Last Pitch Effort

    {Sean Bugg and Cavin Le exchange rings (Photo by Ward Morrison)} I've joked often in the past few months that I'm lucky my family tree...

  • Keeping Them Close

    Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, I've been enjoying a longer-than-expected family visit to Kentucky for my Granny Bugg's 100th birthday party. As anyone who follows me...

  • Values Voter

    It's very unlikely that anyone who knows me would ever consider me a risk-taker. My nickname is ''Brakes.'' I'm like the babysitter who won't let...

  • Shape-Shifting and Distractions

    Like a mythical shape-shifter or a repertory actor, Mitt Romney will pretend to be whatever you need. Politicians often do this, but he reaches new...

  • Signs of the Times

    {There goes the neighborhood (Photo by Sean Bugg)} My neighborhood these past two weeks has become an incessant reminder of why this is the most...

  • So Long, Sihanouk

    Monday, Oct. 15, was Cambodian ''King-Father'' Norodom Sihanouk's last day on this mortal plain. It's okay, don't be sad. He was 89, after all. His...