Metro Weekly


  • ''But What's Obama Done for Me Lately?''

    Given the ongoing efforts of Republicans to establish stringent voter ID laws to eradicate a fraudulent voting problem — a problem that even the laws'...

  • Resisting the Rage Trade

    The anti-gay, xenophobic and misogynist bullies of the Christian right are so determined to defeat President Obama and promote orthodoxy that they endanger American diplomats...

  • One Year Later, DADT Repeal Resonates

    Back in 1992, the height of my activist period, there were two main issues I cared about: HIV/AIDS and military service. AIDS was, and remains,...

  • Line in the Sand

    The summer between sixth and seventh grade – for me, 1981 – I'd gone to visit my dad, stepmom and new baby sister. It was...

  • Hack at Thee, Partisan!

    Things are looking up for Democrats, whose national convention presented strong speeches by Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, San Antonio Mayor Julián...

  • Romney and Ryan: How Low Can They Go?

    It's a reflexive statement that has effectively passed into cliché, but when gay Republicans say that gay people aren't ''single-issue'' voters they have a point,...

  • Party Time

    During the past long weekend – thanks to organized labor – I had a chance to spend about 48 hours in Florida visiting with my...

  • Michelle Obama and the Democrats Go All-In

    A week in politics truly is an eternity. Just a few days ago, as supporters of LGBT equality and women's choice excoriated the Republican Party...

  • Lessons in Discipline

    Reactions to the financing of anti-gay groups by Chick-fil-A owner Dan Cathy included ill-considered behavior by some on the pro-gay side that played into the...

  • The Oddly Un-American Republican Convention

    It was truly my intention not to watch any live coverage of the current Republican national convention — or, for that matter, next week's Democratic...

  • Dana Milbank Mainstreams Hate

    It was only a few days ago that the world of Washington politics and punditry was in its most self-congratulatory mode: Politics was about to...

  • Let's Take a Break from Chick-fil-A

    I'm sure everyone had the same thought as I did this weekend upon hearing the news that New York City tabloids were splashing a picture...

  • Paul Ryan's Parasites

    The 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged is a grandiosity in service of an ideology, rather like the Mormon temple in Silver Spring that inspired jokesters to...

  • Queer the Smear

    It is absolutely no secret that I have a foul mouth, a propensity for profanity that goes beyond those within earshot and often ends up...

  • Hater, Heal Thyself

    Bryon Widner is the subject of a recent documentary, Erasing Hate. Widner, once a racist skinhead, tattooed himself to make his disposition clear. The documentary...