Metro Weekly


  • Privilege Matters

    That I've had a lot of experience of casual racism doesn't come as much of a surprise given my rural Southern background. I grew up...

  • Say What We Mean

    So Tony Perkins, the longtime bigoted mouthpiece for the rabidly anti-gay Family Research Council, was rather apoplectic this past week over the news that a...

  • Our Little Girl

    We are the parents of a transgender child, Jackie. And we decided to tell our family's story on television, in the April broadcast of the...

  • When in Rome

    Vacations are supposed to be a time to relax, recharge or let loose. A holiday trek may also be highly educational. Certainly, that was the...

  • Three Cheers

    One philosophy that I'm lucky enough to share with all my co-workers at Metro Weekly is the idea that the work we do is more...

  • If I Had a Son

    If you think we live in a post-racial society, look at the flood of hateful comments found by blogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs...

  • Watch and Learn

    It's with some glee that I've read reports of women — angered by lawmakers pushing transvaginal probes and doctor-narrated ultrasounds prior to abortions, as well...

  • Ballot-Box Solidarity

    When Rick Santorum talks of imposing his idea of God's Plan on his fellow citizens; when Rush Limbaugh calls a law student a ''slut'' and...

  • Southern Living

    In the days leading up to Rick Santorum's Southern twofer of Alabama and Mississippi, there was a minor contretemps among some pundits about the polling...

  • So Sorry

    There are few things in life as insulting as an insincere apology for an insult. We know this because it is one of life's guarantees...

  • Reaching Out to the Church

    A few weeks ago I was invited to sit down with the cast of American University's Bare, The Musical, and discuss my life as a...

  • Higher Dread

    Whether you breathed a sigh of relief Tuesday night when Rick Santorum lost in Michigan or a sigh of disappointment that he didn't take out...

  • Capehart vs. Christie

    The dirty secret about bullying is that it is more popular than most of us care to admit. Many adults believe that a bullying victim...

  • Rocky Reckoning

    It must've been the summer of 1979, because I remember specifically that people were talking about American Airlines Flight 191. The ill-fated DC-10 lost one...

  • Reflections on Black History Month

    Since 1926, February was known for the celebration of black American history. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a Harvard Ph.D., initiated ''Negro History Week,'' which it...