Metro Weekly


  • Too High a Price

    Living in Virginia comes with a price. First, though, there are the benefits, the most important of which is that it makes my husband happy....

  • Violent Words, Violent Acts

    CNN commentator Roland Martin was just having a little fun with his now-infamous Super Bowl tweets: ''If a dude at your Super Bowl party is...

  • Hanky Panky

    Although most of us shoehorn ourselves into one of the two political parties, at least for purposes of voting, the fit is rarely perfect as...

  • Chuckles for the Win

    Perhaps my main disappointment in the Ninth Circuit decision finding California's Proposition 8 to be unconstitutional is that they couldn't wait a week to release...

  • Partners on the Journey

    In late January I had the pleasure of celebrating my mother's 80th birthday as we pulled away from Cozumel (all passengers accounted for, thank you...

  • Solitary Confinement

    After coming out to my mother during college, she and I entered into one of those melancholy conversations familiar to so many of us who...

  • Dissing the President

    ''Get your goddamn finger out of the president's face.'' That was my first thought upon seeing the photo of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) with...

  • Court Time

    So my television viewing this past week or so has given me a front-row seat to an intense competition, where the protagonists shift wildly between...

  • DCTC's Chief Problem

    The words rolled off her tongue like a well-rehearsed mantra, ''We'd like to see all of those folks who are in that high-risk environment find...

  • Foolish Thing Desire

    A few years ago, before I began dating my husband, my then-boyfriend took me to a summer cookout with a local gay Asian group. It...

  • Minister at Midnight

    Anthony Evans is an anti-gay minister who claims to head a vast network of black churches and sends me frequent updates on his plans. On...

  • Friendly Fire

    ''Some of my best friends are '' is deservedly one of the most mocked phrases in the English language, given that it...

  • Leather in the Lead

    There's an axiom of which I never grow tired: Perspective is everything. I think I'm an ethical person; others would cast me into the pits...

  • Raucous Caucus

    If nothing else, the Iowa caucuses kicked off the year with an inadvertently entertaining bang. After months of a rotating circus of second-tier candidates taking...

  • Times Square Tantrums

    Not since Sinéad O'Connor ripped up a photo of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live in 1992 have so many believers been so...