Metro Weekly


  • Freedom To Hate

    Some people make me sick. Case in point, any member of the Fred Phelps clan who has been involved in the Westboro Baptist Church's ongoing...

  • Gay Panic Fading

    I never believed that Barack Obama was really opposed to marriage equality. It wasn't just that he had previously endorsed it and was completely comfortable...

  • The Big Small Screen

    While I love movies, I actually rather hate movie theaters. I realize that many people enjoy the communal experience of a movie — sharing in...

  • Gay New World

    Theoretically, a vacation is time to recharge, to reflect, to generally recuperate from accumulated weariness. In reality, the world keeps spinning and we remain connected...

  • GOProud's CPAC Splash

    GOProud co-founders Christopher Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia made a big splash at CPAC last weekend, including with a heavily promoted party, but the early returns...

  • An Achievement to Celebrate

    Last week, Whitman-Walker Clinic shared with the community good news that has not happened here in nearly a decade. We reported an operating gain for...

  • Right Turns

    There is, of course, the old canard that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. Just from my personal experience, though, I know that...

  • Word Play

    Being the good uncles I imagine us to be, my husband and I took our 10-year-old nephew out to dinner at the mall this past...

  • Bravery in Black

    An extraordinary display of gay courage and determination comes to us from Mukono, Uganda, thanks to a YouTube video of last Friday's funeral for murdered...

  • Working for Change

    As the Obama administration releases new details on ending ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' and the president continues his public evolution on the vital issue of...

  • Great Expectations

    Because I've been doing this long enough, I tend to approach annual political events like the State of the Union speech as a bit of...

  • Choosing Choice

    When I look at, say, the slaughter of dolphins off the coast of Japan I think it's disgusting and barbaric. Despite my offense, I have...

  • Across the Threshold

    It can sometimes feel a little awkward to celebrate a victory achieved by something not happening. But even though the Supreme Court's decision not to...

  • Grace Under Fire

    The light in the darkness of the mass shooting in Tucson came from the courage and poise of ordinary citizens who disarmed Jared Loughner and...

  • Sticks and Stones

    ''Words can never hurt me.'' That's one of the comforting lies we learn in childhood, along with ''cheaters never win,'' ''you can be whatever you...