I've struggled to explain at times why the repeal of ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' takes such overwhelming priority on my personal to-do list for gay...
The gap between politics and the national interest was never greater than during last week's Senate hearing about the Defense Department survey on repeal of...
I was still a fresh-faced newcomer to D.C. 21 years ago when the Robert Mapplethorpe controversy erupted in Congress and the Corcoran museum. The famed...
It's time for either a little hand holding or berating. But which? I've always been sympathetic to people's fears, hoping to comfort them and help...
In less than 24 hours, as I write this, my frenetic holiday season will begin. I don't mean that in a ''Woe is me, the...
Some important news last week brightened an otherwise frustrating season for gay rights: The Department of Health and Human Services issued rules requiring hospitals that...
So, here's what I've been struggling with lately: I'm 42 at the moment and will all-too-soon turn 43. It's not my age that's nagging me...
There's a project I'm working on that is fascinating me. It involves scanning loads of old photos. One, in particular, is captivating. My late Uncle...
There's a strange and unsettling mood floating around these days after the shellacking delivered to Democrats by Republicans in the midterm elections. It's not unexpected,...
With all due respect to Log Cabin Republicans, who welcomed the new House majority last week, getting pro-gay legislation out of soon-to-be Speaker John Boehner...
I spent my Tuesday evening looking for bright spots. Not bright spots like, ''Thank you, Lord, for not sending Christine O'Donnell to the Senate or...
The war on bullies is on. That's a good thing. Bullying is bad. Sadly, it's not that simple. We're competitive, violent creatures. We pet our...
It was later in the evening when Sherry Dee grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out on the then-empty dance floor where some...
Gay Iraq War veteran Dan Choi's attempted re-enlistment last week illustrated the determination to serve that is one of our strengths in our fight for...
To care about politics is to be perpetually disillusioned. In the normal course of life, this isn't an indictment. We live in a democracy made...