Metro Weekly


  • Matters of Honor

    I've struggled to explain at times why the repeal of ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' takes such overwhelming priority on my personal to-do list for gay...

  • Soft Senate

    The gap between politics and the national interest was never greater than during last week's Senate hearing about the Defense Department survey on repeal of...

  • Déjà View

    I was still a fresh-faced newcomer to D.C. 21 years ago when the Robert Mapplethorpe controversy erupted in Congress and the Corcoran museum. The famed...

  • Fear Not

    It's time for either a little hand holding or berating. But which? I've always been sympathetic to people's fears, hoping to comfort them and help...

  • Finding Home

    In less than 24 hours, as I write this, my frenetic holiday season will begin. I don't mean that in a ''Woe is me, the...

  • Uplifting Lineage

    Some important news last week brightened an otherwise frustrating season for gay rights: The Department of Health and Human Services issued rules requiring hospitals that...

  • Stale Air

    So, here's what I've been struggling with lately: I'm 42 at the moment and will all-too-soon turn 43. It's not my age that's nagging me...

  • History Repeating

    There's a project I'm working on that is fascinating me. It involves scanning loads of old photos. One, in particular, is captivating. My late Uncle...

  • No Time to Stop

    There's a strange and unsettling mood floating around these days after the shellacking delivered to Democrats by Republicans in the midterm elections. It's not unexpected,...

  • We Fight On

    With all due respect to Log Cabin Republicans, who welcomed the new House majority last week, getting pro-gay legislation out of soon-to-be Speaker John Boehner...

  • Slim Pickings

    I spent my Tuesday evening looking for bright spots. Not bright spots like, ''Thank you, Lord, for not sending Christine O'Donnell to the Senate or...

  • Emboldened Bigotry

    The war on bullies is on. That's a good thing. Bullying is bad. Sadly, it's not that simple. We're competitive, violent creatures. We pet our...

  • Small Town Boy

    It was later in the evening when Sherry Dee grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out on the then-empty dance floor where some...

  • Sidelining Spite

    Gay Iraq War veteran Dan Choi's attempted re-enlistment last week illustrated the determination to serve that is one of our strengths in our fight for...

  • DADT Goes Fubar

    To care about politics is to be perpetually disillusioned. In the normal course of life, this isn't an indictment. We live in a democracy made...