Metro Weekly


  • Bully Beware

    My first bully was Michael Dickerson. Standing in line after recess, on the playground of Rolling Valley Elementary School in Springfield, he came out of...

  • The White Knight

    The ''sexual racism'' argument used by some gay people of color in order to shame white males (and yes, it is always white males) into...

  • Stand Against Criminalization

    On the weekend of Sept. 25, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) raided a hotel in Northwest in a prostitution-related sting. MPD has confirmed that six...

  • A Lasting Impression

    President Barack Obama would like you to be impressed with his progress on repealing the military ban on open gay and lesbian servicemembers. ''Here, I've...

  • Wonderful Wins

    The fight for gay equality at home and on the battlefield won encouraging court victories last week. In a case brought by ACLU of Washington...

  • Another Failure

    To look on the bright side of the failure of ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' repeal this week in the Senate, when you're used to being...

  • Go with Gods

    We have certainly come a long way, baby. From stone tools to space stations to oil spills, there is no doubting our species's technological evolution....

  • Don't Ask, Just Tell

    Perhaps it was inevitable that the gay community's commitment to New Left principles would splinter as gays became more mainstream. Or, perhaps more specifically, became...

  • An American Dream

    Imagine this: Your parents bring you here at a young age and put you in school. You are asked to learn a new language while...

  • Black and Brown and Discharged All Over

    For all intents and purposes, the study had the makings of a bombshell. Servicemembers United, the nation’s first organization devoted to gay and lesbian troops,...

  • The Hard Road

    'Tis the season for hyperbole and panic. How else to explain claims from some LGBT quarters that absolutely nothing has been done to advance LGBT...

  • Battening the Hatches

    If the Republican Party regains control of Congress on Nov. 2, already-stalled pro-gay legislation would be dead — at least barring an uncharacteristically bold lame-duck...

  • The Media Message

    My first real job as a journalist, way back in 1989, was covering tax issues on Capitol Hill. It didn't take long for me to...

  • New Know-Nothings

    During the weekend, a friend posted the ''Teabonics'' set of photos, again making the rounds, to his Facebook profile. I couldn't help but make a...

  • An Unwelcome Addition

    In one of my all-time favorite movies, Magnolia, multiple characters reflect on the mistakes and miscues of their past with the saying, ''We may be...