Metro Weekly


  • Mending Mehlman

    When news broke last week that former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman had announced he is gay in an interview with Marc Ambinder in...

  • An Unspoken Force

    Dropping a check in the mail this week was an unexpectedly stressful moment, not because it involved any major bill or purchase, but because it...

  • Back-to-School Bias

    It's back-to-school time. At my advanced age, I'm not sure what that means. Are school supplies still the same, or have Trapper Keepers been replaced...

  • Dueling Rallies

    The good thing about dueling rallies is that, if you choose, you can focus on the one that uplifts you rather than the one that...

  • In the Same Boat

    The man I am going to marry, who is of mixed Burundian/Congolese descent, was the target of an attempted Muslim honor killing in April 2002....

  • Legislatively Lacking

    The House Agriculture Committee has no out lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender representation. Then again, nor do the House Appropriations, Armed Services, Budget, Foreign Affairs,...

  • Spoken Words

    The language barrier is an everyday part of my family life. Given that I spend much of my time working out of my home office,...

  • Witness to History

    The history and people of Argentina are intensely seductive, I find. I had no real idea before I paid my recent and very first visit...

  • Prick Up Your Enthusiasm

    Speculation about a possible presidential run by Hillary Clinton in 2012 remains surprisingly popular among a certain segment of Democratic activists. One fellow gay political...

  • Jail Storms

    Lets talk about my ass. In particular, lets talk about how often I sit on it. I think my desk chair knows more about me...

  • Leaving Hate Behind

    There was a time when I really hated straight people. Not surprisingly, this was during my younger years, when my activism was more fiery and...

  • American Mosque

    Islam is no friend of mine. Actually, no religion is really a friend of mine. I don't claim any. And I could possibly even consider...

  • Unsettling Similarities

    Alex Nicholson, the head of Servicemembers United, put words to the anger that many of us felt when we read the questions the military is...

  • Corrupting Influence

    With friends like Jonathan Clayton of London's The Times newspaper, gay Africans hardly need enemies. Clayton declared on May 22, ''Africa's gays are paying the...

  • The Right Side of History

    The ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' (DADT) statute, which bans gays and lesbians from open service, is the only remaining federal personnel policy which places discrimination...