Metro Weekly


  • Learning Experiences

    I am terrified to write about transgender issues. That's not an easy thing for me to admit, given my own self-image as a writer who's...

  • Gut Check

    Initially, I was going to use this opportunity to recount my July 4 exercise in acquiescence – filling out my juror application for federal court....

  • Show, Don't Tell

    Tyrese loves roller coasters. He goes to Adventure Park USA from open to close, every weekend. And he does it all alone. Tyrese is gay,...

  • Big Lies

    As gays and lesbians, we're not unused to hearing lies told about us. For decades, homophobes and anti-gay activists have relied on the big lies...

  • Court of Public Opinion

    The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan left more questions than answers, since she quite properly refused to prejudge matters that might come...

  • Stories of Life

    As a transgender woman writing at, I regularly cover trans-related stories. I also critique the almost-always poor coverage from mainstream and even LGBT publications....

  • Reality Distortion

    Reality can be so confusing. Once again, as we traipse our way through a Supreme Court nomination hearing in the Senate and as Republican presidential...

  • Questionable Consumption

    A couple of weeks ago, I went to Tampa, Fla., to spend a weekend with my mother and two of my teenaged San Diegan nephews...

  • Finding Faith

    For a godless homosexual, I'm unusually interested in the religious faith of LGBT people who are believers. This comes, in large part, from my own...

  • Perkins's Washington Warning

    If you are on the Family Research Council's e-mail list, you may have seen this alarm from Tony Perkins in his June 16 ''Washington Update'':...

  • Family Feuding

    Last Thursday morning, June 10, the humidity was already thick by 9 a.m. But that's D.C. No surprise there. Still, it was a beautiful morning,...

  • The Wedding Singer

    Elton John's performance during the celebration of Rush Limbaugh's fourth attempt at successful matrimony has become like the inappropriate and unwanted wedding gift that keeps...

  • Feels Like the First Time

    I was 19 years old and newly out of the closet -- not entirely by choice -- when I saw my first gay Pride parade....

  • From Stonewall to the Workplace

    One by one, they stepped up to the podium and got personal. ''I believe what my parents taught me — that if I work hard,...

  • Winning Gracefully

    The LGBT community has a long, hot summer ahead. The last election put avowed allies at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, yet the midterm election...