Metro Weekly


  • Get Rational

    Get Equal, which specializes in direct actions like heckling our allies with demands for Total Equality Right Now, has at least one like-minded boor in...

  • Turn Back Time

    It's true. If you hang around Washington long enough you'll get to see history repeat itself. Back in the early 1990s, the LGBT community started...

  • Modern Mirage

    Maybe you went to a bittersweet party to watch the final episode of HBO's Sex and the City. Did you hit the theater eagerly the...

  • Whistling Dixie

    It was just a few weeks ago that, while rummaging through the piles of past issues as part of my ongoing project of organizing my...

  • The Legitimacy Lie

    March was a heady month in the District of Columbia. The influx of same-sex couples at the marriage bureau boosted applications to six times their...

  • Heaven and Hell

    If there's still any wonder why America's high schools are a simultaneous case of heaven and hell for teenagers, look no further than the latest...

  • Surprised by Parenting

    This weekend, I'm heading to my second baby shower -- my first for a gay family. This is not what I expected. First, I'm old...

  • Second Act

    I'll admit it — when I first heard the news of Ricky Martin's coming out, I greeted it with the mental equivalent of a yawn....

  • Time to Step Up

    Thousand-dollar-a-plate dinners are like abortions or same-sex marriages: If you don't approve of them, don't have one. We all make choices based on our views,...

  • All Hands on Deck

    Nothing highlights the rifts in our community like the possibility of success. Infighting and disagreements over the direction and tactics of the movement for LGBT...

  • Immigration Insult

    It's been busy in Washington lately. An ENDA sit-in, White House arrests for DADT, marriage equality, Kathy Griffin, the tea-baggers' return, health care in Congress,...

  • Doctor, Doctor

    Back in the very early 1990s, not long after college and in the depths of my great post-collegiate career crisis — fancy speak for ''educated...

  • Vatican's Past Imperfect

    Pope Benedict XVI has been beset by matters of the flesh lately, from the growing sexual-abuse scandal in Germany to the revelation that a member...

  • Seniors in the Spotlight

    It's been another big news week for LGBT aging. An Associated Press story released Monday on coming out late in life; the SAGE/Movement Advancement Project...

  • Political Proof

    Just to be clear about this before I start: I was appalled that Bob McDonnell could be elected governor of Virginia and absolutely horrified the...