Metro Weekly


  • Transformational Tie

    It's funny, and often fascinating, how so much can change in such a short time -- and yet change so little. When our family arrived...

  • How We Won

    March 3 marked the start of same-sex couples being able to apply for marriage licenses in District of Columbia Superior Court. The seeds of this...

  • Celebrating Victory

    It's in my nature to urge caution when it comes to celebrating our political successes. Long experience has taught us that defeat is sometimes snatched...

  • Conservatively Speaking

    I believe it's important to acknowledge when we're wrong about our assumptions or expectations, so I should point out that when GOProud initially announced its...

  • Shticks and Stones

    There's the old Woody Allen joke about how being bisexual can double your chances of getting a date. It's not terribly funny, but it gets...

  • Making an Exception

    I was once a big believer in American exceptionalism. I don't mean the quasi-mystical version of exceptionalism in which God laid down the foundations for...

  • The Jackson Jive

    Despite his being so dark and masculine, I am tempted to call Bishop Harry Jackson the White Queen after the character in Through the Looking-Glass...

  • Why Maggie's Wrong

    How can I write this so that Maggie Gallagher -- of National Organization for Marriage (NOM) infamy -- will understand? A child loses his or...

  • Mighty Real

    Being a product of the ''Real America'' — that halcyon collection of rural farmlands and evangelical hotbeds that see themselves as the authentic bedrock of...

  • Moving Forward

    On Aug. 28, 2008, I listened to Sen. Barack Obama outline his soaring vision for America. I felt like he was speaking directly to me...

  • Never-Ending Need

    At 40, sharing a birthday with the Stonewall riots, I've lived through plenty of changes for LGBT Americans. After about 10 or so, I even...

  • ''Raw Sex'' and Rev. Evans

    There was no suspense at the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics (BOEE) hearing on Jan. 27, which concerned the proposed referendum on the recently...

  • More than Words

    We often complain that promises made to our community are ''just words,'' palliatives designed to make us feel that something is being done without any...

  • No More Delays

    Back in the mid-1980s, with the Cold War still peaking and the idea of the fall of the Soviet Union no more than a utopian...

  • Ally Beats Enemy

    It's been a year – just a year, mind you – that Barack Obama has served as 44th president of the U.S. He's the first...