Metro Weekly


  • The Time Is Now

    For 17 years, the ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' (DADT) law has been a major barrier on the road to equality for the 65,000 gay and...

  • Strangely Familiar

    With the capture of Ted Kennedy's Senate seat — sorry, I mean the people of Massachusetts' Senate seat — by Republican Scott Brown, Washington is...

  • Unpacking the Numbers

    As a survivor of violence and a lesbian trans woman in a world that treats my identity as delusional or deceptive, I understand fear. I...

  • Meanwhile, in Senegal

    The global outcry against Uganda's ''Anti-Homosexuality Bill'' could not be more deafening. Opponents of the legislation have condemned the effort not just to put gays...

  • Financial Ally to Evil

    Televangelist Pat Robertson's claim that the Haitian earthquake was divine retribution for a two-century-old pact with the devil, even as he purported to raise relief...

  • Lights, Camera, Inaction

    We are a nation that likes to watch, be it hundreds of cable channels filled with talking heads, YouTube videos of cute kids and keyboard...

  • Continuing Education

    Particularly around the holidays, we are ceaselessly implored to have conversations with our families about our sexual orientation. Ditch that reindeer sweater for a Task...

  • On Being First

    ''Being the first sucks,'' Amanda Simpson, one of the first openly trans appointments to a federal government position, told ABC News. ''I'd rather not be...

  • Free To Be

    The recent advertisement on Metrobuses calling for a referendum to repeal the District's hard-won legislation guaranteeing marriage equality was many things. It was an egregious...

  • Coming Out Conservative

    In mid-February thousands of conservatives will descend on D.C. for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference -- better known as CPAC -- the premiere political...

  • Feedback Farrago

    One of the interesting sidelights of being a writer and activist is the correspondence I receive. So I spent a few hours on a wintry...

  • History's Hobby

    If history has a hobby, it's making those who assume to know its course look foolish. At the close of the last decade, somewhat weary...

  • Searching for Dialogue

    It seems that the issue of relations between the LGBT community and the black community has remained contentious. It's even more problematic if you toss...

  • Historic Harvest

    A blizzard began in Washington on Dec. 18, several hours after Mayor Adrian Fenty signed the marriage-equality bill in historic All Souls Unitarian Church. Nearly...

  • Life Changes

    Waiting in line on Monday night to have our photo taken with President and Mrs. Obama at the White House press holiday party, one of...