Metro Weekly


  • The Living Dread

    Zombies are enjoying a pop-culture heyday. You can keep Twilight and Rise of the Lycans. The buzz is all about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,...

  • Bruised Brotherhood

    If there is a no-man's land between The New Gay and The Old Gay, I am sitting in it. To be clear, these are not...

  • Hoops and Heresy

    I have been a bit conflicted lately. On one hand, I've been rooting for my Catholic alma mater, Villanova, in the NCAA men's basketball playoffs....

  • Taxes for Tyrants

    I recently excerpted the HIV/AIDS-related items from the State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2008. The grim survey ranges from Russia, where...

  • The New Victims

    There are certain clichés about ''liberals,'' ''progressives,'' ''lefties,'' what have you. As a longtime spy in that house of love, I can tell you that...

  • Hello, Cruel World

    This is a good time to take stock of the threats faced by GLBT people around the world. That's because on Feb. 25, the State...

  • Vacation Baggage

    Dateline: ms Eurodam, at sea, Feb. 22. Don't ask me what the ''ms'' stands for, or why it's not capitalized. Were I at work, I'd...

  • State of the Union

    Two kinds of union were celebrated Feb. 12. First, Americans honored the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who preserved the union and ended slavery....

  • Yinning My Yang

    Here comes Valentine's Day and the attendant red, chocolate and roses. My first memory of the holiday is from early childhood. It's not of the...

  • Unholy Warriors

    Before Colorado Springs megachurch pastor Ted Haggard was ruined in 2006 by revelations of his involvement with a male hustler, he was interviewed for Oren...

  • Straights to Hell

    The Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend has come and gone, and hats off to the Centaur MC organizers for once again doing their part to actually express...

  • Small Things, Big Moment

    Greetings from the past: I am writing two days before the formal start of a new political era, for publication two days after. In the...

  • Prouder than Bombs

    Here it is, some 60 years since the Israeli Declaration of Independence, and the bombs are still falling. Hamas is firing rockets into Israel and...

  • Dancing With Obama

    For months, Rick Garcia has been dealing with people who portray President-elect Barack Obama as ''at best half-hearted'' on GLBT issues. ''These are generally gay...

  • Religious Overload

    When I was 7, my family was in Ireland during the St. Patrick's Day weekend. We went to Blarney Castle and I ate my first...