Metro Weekly


  • Perking Me Up

    Our relationship began in the early '90s, when I was still living in Des Moines and she was in New York City. I'd never been...

  • Ball Games

    As a kid, I threw like a girl. Or, I would have, if the girls on my little league team hadn't thrown better than I...

  • Upping the Ante

    I was in Spanish class when the note came. It was a small piece of memo pad paper with an office staffer's handwriting on it....

  • Let Catholics Discriminate

    As laws protecting gay Americans from discrimination proliferate, they increasingly conflict with important liberties. The latest example of this clash comes from Massachusetts, where the...

  • Sudden Departure

    Whenever my phone rings and I see my parents' number in the little window, my first thought is always that my grandmother died. She's very...

  • FAIR's Fair?

    Much of the reaction to the Supreme Court's 8-0 decision in Rumsfeld v. FAIR to uphold the Solomon Amendment has been ill-informed. Commentators, especially in...

  • Learning Lessons

    Though much will be made of it, the federal Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) is unlikely to be the most important story of the marriage fight...

  • Doggie Style

    From the start, the dog was unruffled, collected and mature. She quietly waited for her two new owners to stop yelping and jumping on the...

  • Run baby, run!

    Running laps around the football field in high school phys. ed. was just not for me. I did it because it was required and I...

  • The Cost of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

    A new study from the University of California estimates the financial costs of the military's ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy, under which more than 10,000...

  • That Sinking Feeling

    In the end, it came down to plumber's putty. OK, not really ''in the end.'' The end has yet to be reached; I do have...

  • Fighting the Holy War

    Given the poll-driven pieties of so many politicians, it is hard to imagine a public figure quoting Christ's admonition in Matthew Chapter 6 against making...

  • Badly Aimed Boycott

    In a Jan. 9 email to members of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission's International Advisory Committee, IGLHRC Executive Director Paula Ettelbrick and...

  • That Time of Year Again

    Dear friends, family, assorted acquaintances: Happy holidays! Wow, can you believe 2005 is almost over? It seems like Christmas 2004 just ended and here we...

  • Oppose Alito?

    The analysis of Supreme Court confirmation hearings has become the post-Cold War equivalent of Kremlinology, the study of Soviet behavior relying on exquisitely subtle clues...