New employees and current employees requesting revisions in benefit coverage will be affected by this change. Catholic Charities will continue to honor the health plan...
”I thought it could be a bit awkward at first, to dress down and have people looking at you. But when you’re naked and everybody...
”Some of you thought, when you saw my name on the billing tonight, ‘It’s about damn time.’ … The decision to talk openly about your...
”I grew up knowing a lot of gay men. It was never something that I even thought twice about — some men were gay and...
”Every now and then, even though I was by then fixed on the pursuit of young women, a mild and mildly enjoyable relapse would occur...
”When you take the new starred letters and arrange them in that way, they spell out a new message, apparently. It is now an answer...
”I freely admit there are issues I’ve evolved on…. The reason the numbers and the support continues to go up is because of people like...
”The City Council was shocked to see statements made by a beauty pageant contestant under the name of Beverly Hills who does not live in...
“I want them to think before they speak. I want them to think about not only the person they’re talking about, but also other people...
“That’s what they have been built to do under the current construct and I would argue that we’ve done a pretty good job bringing that...
“State agencies in Maryland will recognize out-of-state gay marriages as of right now. … It’s not that foreign of a concept, I mean, it’s just people,...
“I did not say anything witty or clever…. In the movies, they say something very clever. I just said, ‘If you come closer, I will...
” will provide a rigorous analysis of the views of The Force on the possible change. It will suggest the policies that will...
”People in the gay community have to realize they’ve got to take themselves out of it. It’s not against anybody. I’ve been getting heat for...
”It wasn’t great. It wasn’t the best I’ve ever done in my life, but I’m very happy… but I do know it wasn’t perfect…. I...