”I found it offensive that she repeatedly brought it up…. I felt God wanted me to express how I felt about the matter…. I said,...
”My family appears with me everywhere. My life partner appears with me everywhere but this race is about who can do the best job as...
”Representative Jim McDermott, Democrat of Washington, who proposed the change, said it would ‘correct a longstanding injustice, end a blatant inequity in the tax code...
”They asked if I had Bic lighters. I said, ‘Yes,’ and handed them over,” Paolucci said. “Then they asked if I had a receipt. I...
”Overall, 51% of California voters favored marriage rights for same-sex couples and 43% were opposed. Strikingly, however, almost 60% of Californians did not want to...
”We’re not referring to gay people. You can be gay and not be a fag.” — Kyle trying to explain why he and his friends...
Washington, D.C. — A protest rally held in Dupont Circle tonight brought together same-sex marriage supporters who say they were angered by yesterday’s vote to...
”We should also be celebrating what happened in Kalamazoo, and also celebrating what happened in Washington where pro-LGBT referendums passed in both those places. That’s...
MAINE: (with 98% reported)REJECT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE LAW?Yes = 52.78%No = 47.22%’ The latest tally from Bangor Daily News on the anti-gay referendum known as Question...
”Carrie Prejean demanded more than a million dollars during her settlement negotiations with Miss California USA Pageant officials — that is, until the lawyer for...
WASHINGTON STATE: APPROVE REFERENDUM 71? Approved = 51.13% Rejected = 48.87% Current results of public vote to approve a same-sex partnership bill known as Referendum...
CNN projects that Chris Christie will unseat New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, giving Republicans wins in both races for governor contested Tuesday. CNN also projects...
”Andy, you’ve changed my life. You bring out the best in me. I love you so much. On this day when we talk about the...
” one of those rare, almost, nearly universal, human goods…. children, in general, do best with both a mother and a father…. e’ve...