”I respectfully disagree that the existence of this continued prejudice leads to the conclusion that there is a widespread view of gays and lesbians as...
”We had an episode that went all the way to the script phase in which Stewie does come out. … But we decided it’s better...
”This is designed to put pressure on the mayor, Eleanor and council members….This should not be decided by the council…This is probably the most contentious...
This is a fabulous city. The city’s hot right now — hot in lots of ways. So, let me just say a couple things. First...
”I am honored to be your Twit. Less than a year ago, I was told about this Twitter thing. And I said, ‘Okay. I will...
”It has come to our attention that the Rhode Island event organizer and purpose of the event fall outside of our sponsorship guidelines…. Tim Hortons...
”I’m not consciously trying to change people’s moral opinions on anything. I really am trying to focus on the music. And if as an indirect...
”It’s extremely distressing to consider that in 2009 suicide is a top three killer of young people, and it’s truly devastating to learn that LGBTQ...
”We are trying to find an act that represent America on the world stage. And from where I see it, a bunch of lip-synching old...
“This is an outrageous accusation…as a gay man myself, I can safely say the Station does not discriminate against gay people. Charles’ claim that the...
”I believe everyone should have the same rights. They say gay marriage ruins families and hurts kids. Well, I’ve had the privilege of seeing my...
”We’re not trying to encourage people to become ‘ex-gay. But we have to acknowledge that, for some people, religious identity is such an important part...
”On the surface, it seems kind of funny! A man, and that’s certainly what it looks like to the investigating detective, walks into Saks in...
”The error rate was the highest of any seen during the first three days of scrutiny.” Dave Ammons, a spokesman for election officials in Washington...