On Friday’s two-hour premiere of “America’s Next Top Model,” a mixture of male and female models flashed their flesh for the cameras. For the first...
Raven-Symonè, a former “Cosby Show” actress and psychic teen star of Disney’s “That’s So Raven,” posted a message on Twitter yesterday that excited many of...
“Within the past two days, two Russian officials have gone out of their way to contradict the IOC in no uncertain terms. The opinion of...
“We challenge the IOC to demonstrate its good faith by hosting under its aegis a Pride House in Sochi, open to all, athletes and visitors,...
“Do not boycott the Olympics – boycott homophobia! Stand in solidarity with people in Russia and bring LGBT pride and values of human rights and...
“Even if doesn’t drop the sin language, this is still a major step forward, and one that can pave the way for further...
“It shows that we need to march until eggs aren’t thrown anymore and people can march freely and without fear.” Giedre Purvaneckiene, a Lithuanian legislator,...
“This financial compensation is one more step toward justice for Edie Windsor, and all of the men and women who confronted similar indifference at a time...
“We don’t know who killed Eric Lembembe, or why he was killed, but one thing is clear: The Cameroonian authorities’ utter failure to stem homophobic...
“By pledging to Skip Ender’s Game, we can send a clear and serious message to Card and those that do business with his brand of...
GLAAD reports that BET released the following statement about an “unfortunate” incident regarding the feminine attire of celebrity blogger B. Scott that took place during...
“These findings clearly provide important new information that might well alter the current thinking about HIV and gene therapy. While stem cell transplantation is not...
B. Scott, a well-known YouTuber and blogger of celebrity culture, expressed a range of emotions after his difficult experience with the BET television network. Apparently,...
Charles Pope, the longtime voice for the Archdiocese of Washington‘s blog, fired off another angry, anti-gay rant in reaction to the Supreme Court‘s marriage-equality rulings. Today,...
Google just added a special rainbow to its search results for terms like “gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, LGBT, GLBT” and even “queer.” June is traditionally...