On August 1, NPR’s Morning Edition aired a story that sought to portray “two sides” of a debate surrounding gay-to-straight “conversion therapy.” NPR says it was...
“I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian t-shirt incident at Dollywood’s Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my...
A week ago, the NAACP held a groundbreaking discussion about LGBT issues in Los Angeles for its 102nd Convention. The panel was hosted by CNN’s...
”All LOVE is equal.” A short tweet sent out by actress and singer Miley Cyrus, 20. It was accompanied by a photo of what appeared...
”Again, what I think is the most important thing, and what I think any responsible mayor looks at is, ‘What is in the best interest...
”They threw me up against the wall and called me a faggot, told me, ‘You don’t deserve to live. You don’t belong on the face...
”I am single now…. Some of get run over by a cab leaping towards me…. I will say that I love Provincetown. I...
”We are confident that the courts will agree that this lawsuit is completely frivolous and is a blatant attempt to chill freedom of the press.”...
”I probably needed to add a few words after that ‘it’s fine with me,’ and that it’s fine with me that a state is using...
Actress and reality TV star Tori Spelling was confronted last week by her husband, Dean McDermott, for an episode of “Hoarders.” Hoarders: Untold sTori from...
”I was in a marriage for nine years, and so now I’m back on the scene? … I’m 41 now. [So, are you working out...
“There was no bias, no intimidation and there was no bullying done. Nor was there any bullying intended or bias intended.” Steven Altman, attorney for...
The New York Times rounds up some perspective of younger New Yorkers on the newly passed marriage equality law and the impending first round of...
“After our conversation, I checked with my innkeepers and unfortunately due to their personal feelings, they do not host gay receptions at our facility.” An...
While the celebrations and expectations on marriage in the gay and lesbian community focus on the ability for same-sex couples to have their relationships legally...