”caught up on Trueblood. Not a fan of how they get u hooked w/ 2 seasons then bring on barrage of homosexuality….” ”After speaking with...
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Petition: PORTIA DE ROSSI filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Portia...
”In summary, the court considered that submitting to a majority judgment the rights of a minority deepens and aggravates discrimination against the minority.” A communique...
”The complainant hit the defendant with a handheld laundry iron about the head several times. The defendant pulled out her service revolver, which was loaded,...
”To the fucking asshole who told me to fuck off, it’s been a good years. I’ve had it. That’s it!” Quote attributed to Steven...
” determined he was a hermaphrodite dog. So, he had both genetalia, a little bit of each…. Extremely rare. I think there’s only a few...
”I heard about this from friends this morning. I knew nothing about it until I looked it up on the web. I’ve had no contact...
” is clearly enjoying her time in France, happy to share a hug with her friend and fitness trainer Jeanette Jenkins on the deck...
”We are Isiah and Joshua Thomas. We posed for the NOH8 Campaign because we believe that all hate and discrimination is wrong. It is time...
”The homosexuals, they need to listen…. I say this to my gay friends out there, the ones who continuously nitpick everything I say, in their...
Lawyer Ted Olson, half of the legal team that won the case against California‘s Proposition 8. He appeared on ”Fox News Sunday” and gave host...
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Californigaytion www.thedailyshow.com
”I believe in civil rights, according to Walter Fauntroy, who’s one proponent of our DC marriage bill here that we’re working on, said that housing,...
”Well, it’s fairly simple. We look at gay marriage as — not a civil rights issue, but a moral question. And the moral question is...