Father of the family says he hopes the incident sparks a larger discussion about LGBTQ tolerance
American Family Association is demanding Ritz withdraw an ad that celebrates different families.
334 of 782 out LGBTQ candidates were elected to public office, with 57% of Victory Fund endorsees winning their races
Buttigieg is still under consideration for some domestic posts, but has indicated he prefers gaining foreign policy experience
The latest season was filmed "safely and fiercely" during the pandemic, RuPaul said
New rule expands which types of contractors may be eligible to discriminate based on religion
Justices allow lower court rulings finding trans kids do not threaten privacy of cisgender peers to stand
Fox News host engaged in misinformation-filled rant about HBO's documentary Transhood
Twitter users went wild after Theron supported a Die Hard where she "goes on a rampage to save her wife"
Student claims part of district's dress code is discriminatory and violates his freedom of expression
School asks employees and students' parents to agree to sign agreements pledging not to condone homosexuality
Wright deleted her Twitter account after backlash over promoting the misinformation-filled video
President-elect said it was an "honor" to be an LGBTQ ally
New York City's Father George Rutler allegedly watched a video of two men while a security guard filmed him
Event will feature LGB service members speaking about how repeal has affected them personally