Cox said the attack was a reminder that "you’re not safe if you are a trans person"
Mayor of Dumont promises investigation into incident involving disparaging anti-LGBTQ comments
Bisexual actress said the issue was a "gray area" but actors need to care about the roles they accept
Each state's display pulls together select panels honoring those lost to HIV to commemorate World AIDS Day
A study into cognitive impairment suggested that depression was responsible for the higher risk
Almost two-thirds of men didn't think the pandemic warranted reducing their sexual activity
Jean-Pierre is part of an all-female White House communications team
“I think we have become a country where it’s very hard for anyone to understand that there are people who don’t already agree with them,”...
"Trump has got to be delegitimized and it’s going to take years," says the AMERICAblog founder
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said Biden's presidency presented "certain challenges"
Carlos Elizondo previously served as social secretary to the Bidens during the Obama administration
Ceremony honoring longtime HIV/AIDS advocates will be streamed live on Dec. 1, as part of World AIDS Day
Initial exit polling showing higher support for Trump was flawed and had large margins of error, critics say
Fewer than half of all Black trans people have positive experiences when seeking out health care
Tenth of trans Americans forced to access unlicensed hormones, with insurance access and denial blamed