Jesse James Keitel will be the first nonbinary series regular in a prime time show
The president's former lawyer recorded a Cameo video in which he praised Camp's OnlyFans account
"I am excited about the passion, talents, and treasures that both will bring to the legacy of NBJC," said executive director David Johns.
Class-action lawsuit claims insurance exclusions denying transition-related care are discriminatory and unconstitutional
Andie MacDowell co-stars in Paramount's LGBTQ-themed holiday film
Michael Mason claims a neighbor's children are "harassing" him after they drew a Pride flag and wrote "Black Lives Matter" on the street
Catholic University grad and LGBTQ activist will become one of the most powerful politicians in Maine
Justice says condoning same-sex nuptials has fueled "intolerance" towards people with "unpopular religious beliefs"
Skelly is a U.S. Navy veteran and previously served under President Obama in the Department of Defense
The Democrat triumphed in his campaign for the New Mexico State House of Representatives
Some experts say exit polls will need to be reweighted to get a more accurate estimate of support for President Trump
Parents claim the state's policy for changing the gender marker on trans people's birth certificates is unconstitutional
Linda Dominguez claims cops mocked her, forced her to wear pink handcuffs in custody, and charged her with "false personation"
Dean Browning claims he was quoting a follower, "Dan Purdy," who Twitter users say appears to be Patti LaBelle's son
Speaking about GOP attempts to undo Joe Biden's win in Pennsylvania, the gay lawmaker said, "This just isn't going to go anywhere"