Helle Jae O'Regan is the eleventh transgender person killed in the United States this year
Former Gardena policeman says he was falsely accused of inappropriately touching his fellow officers
Lawyers argue courts should grant divorce to gay couple of 15 years, despite Texas' same-sex marriage ban
Government argued it isn't responsible for Miracle Hill's refusal to work with same-sex couples and others
Jon Bailey insists he's within his right to post the signs, which reflect his religious beliefs, on his property
Kare 11 meteorologist Sven Sundgaard shared a post calling the protesters "white nationalist...gun fetishist miscreants"
Adree Edmo argues that Idaho's refusal to provide her with surgery violates her constitutional rights
Robin Vaughn apologizes for homophobic remarks, saying, "I regret letting my emotions get the best of me."
Suspects face federal carjacking and weapons charges in relation to the women's murders
Local authorities are urging anyone with information on her murder to leave anonymous tips
Adult performer Ian Frost shared more than 50 videos of the party, which even featured a DJ
More than 50 organizations are urging the White House to heed lessons learned from the HIV epidemic to ensure that best practices are used to...
Transgender advocacy organization says Biden is "the advocate and president we need at this consequential moment"
Endorsement comes on anniversary of former VP's statements in favor of marriage equality
Stay-at-home orders have prevented trans sex workers from earning money during the pandemic