Designer Christian Siriano is making face masks for medical workers in New York.
Andy Biggs objected to granting sick leave to same-sex partners and the lack of abortion-specific language in the bill
The coronavirus pandemic is a "reckoning" from God claims Tennessee pastor Perry Stone
Players can also control Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler as they shoot drag queens and gay men
Groups go on record opposing anti-transgender bills, including two that recently passed in Idaho
Plaintiffs allege government's actions put LGBTQ community at risk of discrimination amid a major pandemic
Bryan Fischer says more time spent together by families can reverse "anti-family trends" in society
Quinn called it a win for "everybody who has ever felt left out or marginalized or laughed at"
U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski is the only House Democrat to oppose the Equality Act
Lambda Legal: Idaho "might as well tear down the federal courthouse" if Brad Little signs bill into law
Conservative columnist attempts to dispel arguments that LGBTQ people are "particularly vulnerable" to COVID-19
Mark Steyn said the mayor didn't want "all the gays dropping dead" in a "big gay apocalypse"
Awards were canceled in order to comply with calls to suspend mass gatherings amid COVID-19 pandemic
LGBTQ advocates call on Gov. Brad Little to veto the measure
The former rising star in Democratic Party has announced he will be entering rehab for alcoholism