Rule allows child placement agencies to receive taxpayer money while discriminating against prospective parents
Lawrence VanDyke appeared to break down during questioning about the American Bar Association's assessment of him
Lambda Legal says there's not "a lick of evidence" that the restriction for transgender minors was needed
The View's Ana Navarro called it "non-sensical, homophobic, racist crap"
Website designer claims Colorado's LGBTQ nondiscrimination law violates her First Amendment rights
If you've noticed an increase in faceless Grindr profiles looking for "discreet fun," now you know why.
Sgt. Keith Wildhaber said he was denied promotion 23 times because of his sexuality
Governor Gary Herbert says clarifying language to protect religious advisers could be added to allay church's concerns
Kelley Fisher claims she was retaliated against for failing to adhere to church teachings opposing homosexuality
"You can have a great life filled with joy. Gay is not a limitation,"
Tennessee Equality Project demands Warren Hurst be censured for anti-gay rant
California Democrat faced ethics investigation, but was also the victim of "revenge porn" following publication of nude photos
The Trump administration wants to legalize discrimination, but 60% of Americans oppose it
Following the example of Virginia's Danica Roem, Williams' campaign is more focused on issues than identity politics
Archdiocese claims it has a right to hire employees who will adhere to Catholic doctrine