One of the report's authors has a history of homophobic and transphobic comments
But civil rights organizations note the decision isn't binding on other cases involving transgender rights
Police are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime, given what the assailant yelled at the victim
New investment comes after conservatives threatened to boycott over Target's pro-trans restroom policy
Jeffrey Hurant's lawyers are working out details of the deal, without which he could spend 20 years in prison
You really don't need to see this (but you also totally do)
Judge Ruth Neely refuses to solemnize same-sex marriages, comparing it to enabling an alcoholic
LGBT students talk about why GSAs matter to them -- and what schools can do to make sure they work
Florida's Department of Corrections does not allow transgender inmates to change their names or gender designation
Voters ages 18 to 35 say gender identity, not sex, should determine which restroom one uses
GSA rule is yet another example of Obama administration's consistency on transgender rights
GOP nominee blasts Clinton's foreign policy record and Clinton Foundation for taking money from anti-gay counties
States ask for court order to stop the Obama administration from forcing schools to adopt pro-transgender policies
Study also finds LGB youth are at higher risk of drug use, suicidal thoughts, depression, and truancy
Voters say North Carolina's anti-LGBT law has had a negative effect on the state's economy and national reputation