Titus amendment would have eliminated statutory language defining a "spouse" as "of the opposite sex"
Deputy's lawyer says changes to the marriage license form made by Kim Davis may flout court's order
Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.) once again relished his role as conservative warrior-in-chief, attacking President Obama’s selection of Eric Fanning to become the next Secretary...
Indiana’s decision to pass a strengthened Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) earlier this year may have hurt its image among business leaders, according to emails...
The U.S. military on Friday rejected a request by Chelsea Manning, currently serving a 35-year prison sentence at the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth,...
An Illinois bed and breakfast discriminated against a same-sex couple when its owners rejected the pair’s request to hold their civil union ceremony in 2011,...
Amanda Simpson on Friday was sworn in as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, retaining her spot as the highest and most...
Eric Fanning's nomination is historic
ABC's Gio Benitez pops the big question while on holiday in the City of Love.
Jenner admits to receiving "unwelcome negative attention" during her transition
Doritos' rainbow chips help support the It Gets Better Project
Turning on the news these past few weeks, you could be forgiven for thinking America had gained two new celebrities in Kim Davis and Charee...
As expected, the issue of so-called “religious liberty” exemptions and the newest poster-child for the cause, Kim Davis, was raised in the second round of...
The first round of the second GOP debate featured a heated showdown between the four second-tier candidates over the issue of religious liberty for people...
A male same-sex couple from Rowan County, Ky., has posted a video aimed at GOP presidential candidates ahead of Wednesday night’s debate, which will air...