Judge previously ruled religious beliefs do not exempt government officials from performing their official duties
Plaintiffs seek to strike down last remaining state ban on same-sex couples adopting children
Out candidates for Salt Lake City mayor, Council and Midvale City Council advance to general election
A New Jersey family is earning praise from all over the globe after painting their garage with rainbow colors in order to demonstrate solidarity with their...
Televangelist says that gay-affirming churches and Christians are "leading people down the road to perdition"
Guam Legislature passes pro-LGBT measures on two bipartisan votes
It might have been famed culture warrior Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.) who attracted all the attention for his opposition to transgender soldiers in the military...
Veto override looks unlikely as Christie demands bill have more safeguards against "fraud, deception and abuse"
Despite religious exemptions, leaders cite BSA policy allowing gay adult leaders as justification
Transgender Navy SEAL and congressional candidate defends allowing transgender soldiers to serve openly
Ken Paxton and another state official accused of refusing to recognize gay man's surviving spouse on death certificate
Kasich draws huge applause for advocating respect for same-sex marriage during debate
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum compared same-sex marriage to the Dred Scott decision that upheld slavery in a debate on Thursday evening. In the first...
Jim Obergefell's op-ed asks Republican candidates if they plan to reverse SCOTUS decision on same-sex marriage
Two proposals took differing views on marriage equality, and another dealt with sex education