Santorum also apologized for comparing gay relationships to bestiality
The televangelist keeps beating the same tired drum in his attempts to scaremonger viewers
BSA Executive Board expected to lift current ban on openly gay adult leaders in coming months
Kentucky clerk "sought God" on decision not to issue marriage licenses
"I was really proud of Brokeback Mountain and everything it had to say"
Jesse Bartholomew scolds LGBT community over nondiscrimination lawsuits against anti-gay bakers
Rep. Scott Garrett bucks party leadership by refusing to back Republican Party's campaign arm
Organization "achieved the goal" they set out for and will now close down, celebrates with incredible video detailing fight for equality
As America acclimates to marriage equality, the sudden change has caused some right-wing religious groups to seemingly lose any grasp on rationality. Enter “REAL MARRIAGE:...
Ruling says sexual orientation discrimination violates Title VII prohibition on sex discrimination
Judge rules Utah's assisted reproduction statute must apply equally to same-sex and opposite-sex couples
Presidential candidate seeks to clarify remark that ban "protected children"
It’s the video that’s been circulating the Internet in recent days. “I’d like you to put your phone away, please,” says Rowan County (Ky.) Clerk...
Donald Trump has managed to transform himself from a comedian’s punchline to a serious contender for President. It’s a stunning achievement for a man who...
The U.S. Senate on Tuesday evening defeated an amendment to an education bill that would have provided nondiscrimination and anti-bullying protections for LGBT children in schools. ...