Actresses Abbi Jacobson and Jodi Balfour announced their engagement earlier this month. Jacobson, who co-created and stars in League of Their Own, a TV series...
Singer Demi Lovato has opened up about her recent pronoun change, shifting from only “they” pronouns to using both “she” and “they.” The Grammy-nominated artist...
The Door Ministries of McAllen produced an unauthorized version of 'Hamilton' that included religious and homophobic rhetoric.
Minor league baseball relief pitcher Solomon Bates came out after being cut from the San Francisco Giants. “Being gay in this sport you don’t know...
After conservatives voted down the Patmos Library's funding for refusing to ban LGBTQ books, two residents took up the cause with a Gofundme.
The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration has finalized a revised rule banning health care providers from billing Medicaid for gender-affirming medical treatments for children...
A new study pushes back against frequently repeated talking points used by anti-transgender activists, arguing that transgender youth do not identify as such due to...
U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), one of only nine LGBTQ members of Congress, has introduced a bill to offer no-cost testing for monkeypox. The...
The University of Alabama now allows students, faculty and staff to use a chosen name on its mobile student ID app. While students, faculty and...
When school resumes this September in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, teachers in the Kettle Moraine School District will be barred from showing any signs of support or...
Pop singer Lady Gaga took a few moments during her recent concert in D.C. to express support for reproductive freedom and marriage equality.
A Long Island man has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for sending letters through the mail threatening to “kill, shoot, and bomb” prominent...
Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina, echoed conservative talking points on marriage equality, arguing that the issue of whether same-sex couples can marry...
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the nation’s largest LGBTQ organization, is suing a Tennessee school district and the Tennessee Department of...
Demetre Daskalakis, the Deputy Coordinator of the White House monkeypox response, breaks down the CDC's strategy to control the outbreak.