”The inclusiveness that Indian society traditionally displayed, literally in every aspect of life, is manifest in recognizing a role in society for everyone…. Those perceived...
”HX Magazine and the web site hx.com have been sold…. HX Magazine issue 931 dated July 10th, which will be released on July 3rd, will...
Ronald Clayton has created career-development programs for people who are GLBT or HIV-positive in Los Angeles and New York. Now he's launched just such a...
Following weeks of criticism from gay activists, bloggers and political leaders, President Barack Obama welcomed more than 275 members of the GLBT community to a...
It's not every day that you get to shake hands with the president of the United States. So when Alex Nicholson got his moment with...
”Kristy said the most recent CAT scans have shown that the blood clot on Chad’s brain has stopped growing, which is good news, but he...
”One of the things we’re looking at is, is there flexibility in how we apply this law?… That’s the kind of thing we’re looking at...
”Google is a company that supports its LGBT employees, taking a public stand stand on issues that are important to our community. This is not...
“At bottom, the harm about which petitioners complain is not based on a denial of the right to referendum. Rather, they simply disagree with legislation...
”In 2009, if this can happen in San Francisco, it can happen anywhere. We have to be vigilant. There’s a lot of work to do.”...
”Welcome to your White House! … This struggle, I don’t need to tell you, is incredibly difficult, all though, I think it’s important to consider...
”It appears, however, that some members of the Labor Department team have a different view, as it has come to my attention that most of...
”It’s a migration that happened without fanfare. They didn’t come here to prove a point. They are just looking for a safe place to live...
”I wanted to win best couple, but I didn’t know how people react. I thought they would discriminate. But Deoine and ...