””When I found out about this web filtering software, I wasn’t looking for anything sexual or inappropriate – I was looking for information about scholarships...
I listened to my boyfriend Patrick on the overseas call as he tried to wrap his French-African voice around the unfamiliar word, ''Iowa.'' The gay...
Michael Crawford has been hearing ''I do'' quite a lot lately. Mainly, it's when he's volunteering as a member of DC For Marriage, asking D.C....
Growing up in Chicago, Rabbi Toby Manewith thought she was going to be a lawyer. ''I sort of always wanted to be a lawyer,'' the...
Nightlife in D.C. is not as transgender-inclusive as it ought to be. At least, not according to Equality, Campus Style, a coalition of local GLBT...
It was just about this time last year that members of DC Black Pride (DCBP) got the news that Daryl Wilson would be running a...
”Based upon the facts as we currently know them, we believe this to be a bias-motivated crime, in that the perceived sexual orientation of the...
”If you love your gay friends and family members, you won’t visit Jamaica. If you care about the human rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and...
”I’m recently single … I think.” Actress Lindsay Lohan appearing on FunnyOrDie in an eHarmony-style personal profile. She mentions many of the infamous things she’s...
The Associated Press is reporting that Maryland the legislature has passed a revision to existing inheritance laws that benefits same-sex couples. The bill still needs...
”There was only one item on the agenda that had to do with gay rights according to the printed agenda. For this reason, I was...
”In effect, it’s going to take a seven-figure settlement to get me to drop this case. I will likely retire immediately, leave Ohio State and...
“If you pulled the lever for John McCain in 2008, then passing hate-crimes legislation or ENDA is probably not your priority. Most...
”They were always saying, ‘you’re gay, you must be gay, you act like a girl.” Sirdeaner Walker, mother of Carl J. Walker-Hoover, an 11-year-old 6th-grader...
“TCU will not launch any new living learning communities at this time. Instead we will assess whether the concept of housing residential students based on...