””I heard put the knife down, put the knife down, David, and then I heard gunshots.” Harry Boyd, the building manager of a Logan Circle...
“When I tried to grab it away from him, he started hitting me, trying to attack me. He was very aggressive and very threatening and...
”We feel that our marriage is valid. There is no language in Proposition 8 that says it’s retroactive. However, the bigger picture — we are...
”I’ll tell you what’s not exciting, though. What’s going on here in California — Proposition 8 passed. You know, I’ve been talking a lot about...
”51% of you think that I am a second class citizen…. and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution...
It's a pleasantly humid autumn night in the nation's capital. But on this Tuesday, Nov. 4, along with the drizzle, there is electricity in the...
If some local sports enthusiasts' dreams come true, Washington will be the site of the 2014 Gay Games. That's the hope for some, following an...
Lately I've been saying that on Nov. 4, the lies about Sen. Barack Obama would finally end - and the lies about President-elect Obama would...
US President:BARACK OBAMA WINS! California Proposition 8: (91% reporting @ 5am WST) 51.9% FOR 48.1% AGAINSTEliminates Right of Same Sex Couples to Marry Arkasas Act...
“I was very excited when they told me that Erica and Callie were going to have this relationship. And I really hoped we were going...
”We are very upset about this and apologize to any site visitors from the state of California that might have been offended by the ads…....