Debate Moderator Gwen Ifil: Do you support, as they do in Alaska, granting same-sex benefits to couples? Sen Joe Biden: Absolutely. Do I support granting...
”Donations should not be at the expense of minority populations or make the reader feel inferior…. These books were not research based. There were not...
”One of the reasons I’m strongly for Palin is because the Democrats in Alaska are assholes. And half of the stuff that the media has...
”Gov. Palin didn’t ramble uncomfortably about a ‘lifestyle’ or use the opportunity to reiterate her opposition to marriage for gay couples. She didn’t use the...
”I’m a liberal Democrat. And I do not favor same-sex marriage. Do those positions sound contradictory? To me, they fit together…. Every child being raised...
DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, an organization that tackles a variety of issues in solving problems that affect D.C. residents and employees, last...
Getting older does not make you any less susceptible to HIV and AIDS. ''For both gay and heterosexual people, there's the disbelief that somehow if...
Marking its 22nd year, it's once again time for Whitman-Walker Clinic's AIDS Walk Washington. Few could've imagined 22 years ago that the need to raise...
The Metropolitan Community Church of Washington held a full house on Sunday, Sept. 28, for a ''speak out'' and memorial event for a Tony Randolph...
Here comes autumn. With it come two holidays that remind me of a large part of our American heritage, for better and worse: Thanksgiving, celebrating...
”When the media gets it wrong, it frustrates Americans who are just trying to get the facts and be able to make up their mind...
”To discriminate further against Ms. Kulstad because of her sexual preference in this day and age is no different than telling a person to go...
That changes a lot of things — people sued over personal beliefs, churches...
“In my everyday life, I never have issues, because I’m comfortable with myself. Once people realize that I’m no different, it makes them comfortable, too…....
”It would be an abomination in the Tampa area if someone was to say that , especially a representative of the NAACP,...