Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • British star urges Hollywood gays to come out

    “In this so-called liberal industry, no one has the guts to come out because of the box office, but someone has to be first in...

  • Filipino Cardinal upset by gay men’s festival participation

    “I am not angry at gay men. But, I am against what they’re actually doing.”— Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, head of Manila’s Roman Catholic Church, on...

  • Summer Playground

    Iconic lesbian tennis champ Billie Jean King served the first ball for a new match in an unlikely location -- downtown D.C., on the site...

  • Pansy Division

    Hanging around my father's auto-body shop during my summer vacations wasn't exactly the same as hanging out with longshoremen or sailors, but I still learned...

  • Free the Sex Trade

    The recent suicide of D.C. Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who faced a prison sentence for doing something that harmed no one, raises a question unrelated...

  • Sex Worker Survey

    Local transgenders, Latinos, youths and sex workers have all been victims of several human-rights violations at the hands of police, claims a recent study conducted...

  • Kudos on the Red Carpet

    About 200 people attended One in Ten's Fifth Annual Gala, ''Walk the Red Carpet,'' at the Woman's National Democratic Club on Saturday, May 3. The...

  • State of Hate

    D.C. City Council Chairman Vincent Gray wants to condemn hate. Vincent Gray On Monday, May 5, Gray announced a resolution condemning hate that he planned...

  • Gay Cop Conclave Hits D.C.

    In 2005, Brett Parson, then a sergeant with Washington's Metropolitan Police Department, headed down to Key West to catch the end of a national conference...

  • McGreevey and Matos: TMI

    “Plaintiff will testify at trial that he needed to have a disrobed male present in the room with them when the parties had sexual relations...

  • You’re the only one for me

    “There’s an emerging rhetoric around monogamy among young gay couples. In that way, they’re a lot more like married heterosexual couples than they are like...

  • The principal is not your pal

    “I really feel that my personal privacy was invaded. I mean, Principal Beasley called my mother and outed me to my mother!” — Memphis high...

  • Civics Lesson

    What's your trick for getting out of jury duty? I'd be very surprised if you don't have at least one simple method to suggest. Last...

  • Montgomery County's Trans Ally

    The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and residents of Montgomery County have joined forces with Equality Maryland, the state's GLBT equal-rights advocacy group, in...

  • Meth Movie

    Tweakers, a movie born of collaboration by two members of the West Hollywood Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board, Jimmy Palmieri and Sue Sexton, hoping to...