Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Fundamentalist Biology for Dummies

    “If each gay couple took a vow of fidelity and kept it sacred, they would soon realize what anyone with a basic 10th grade sexual...

  • Chelsea Clinton, life of the party

    “hank you, but that’s not why you should vote for my mom.” — Chelsea Clinton to a group of gay men outside a Philadelphia gay...

  • Flying the friendly skies

    “You wouldn’t know what to do with a woman anyway.” — An alleged comment by Lucy Chilton, 42, to fellow Heathrow airport security guard Allwyn...

  • The “bitter gay divorcee” finds a safety net

    “And my divorce meant I was inducted into yet another circle of (mostly) sisterhood: women left because we married doctors before they finished their residencies....

  • The strange world between Tori Spelling’s ears

    “I’m a huge fan of gays…. They love me; I love them. They consider me kind of a gay icon, which they’ve labeled me as.”...

  • It’s a novel concept in the family law area

    “We all know people who have gone through divorces. At the end of that long and unhappy period, they have been able to breathe a...

  • Accomplishments and Challenges

    Looking back on Maryland's 2008 legislative session, which concluded on Monday, April 7, Equality Maryland saw reason to celebrate -- as well as reason to...

  • Top of the Center

    The board of directors at the D.C. Center, Home for GLBT in Metro D.C., appointed David Mariner, local self-proclaimed ''consultant, advocate, and activist,'' as its...

  • Talking race and orientation

    The local chapter of Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) kicks off a discussion series, Brothers and Sisters Under the Rainbow, at...

  • Picking Favorites

    An annual poll asking Shaw residents to pick their favorite new business puts Nellie's Sports Bar, located at 900 U St. NW, in the No....

  • Problem Solver

    Brian Watson likes to fix things. But a decade before making Washington his home and establishing himself as one of the city's most prominent young...

  • The Anti-Socialite

    You know that friend you have that you can call up at a moment's notice with an offer to catch a movie, and be guaranteed...

  • Hit List

    Arriving at the recent town-hall meeting regarding same-sex, intimate-partner violence called by the new Rainbow Response coalition, I was a little worn. I'd already spent...

  • Coming Unglued

    Walking along U Street Northwest on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination, there is little sign that the neighborhood was on fire forty years...

  • A Church's Special Guest

    Reverend Fernando Frontan, a Protestant pastor credited as being the first openly gay activist in Uruguay, is currently leading several workshops and gatherings, on global...