Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Top of the Center

    The board of directors at the D.C. Center, Home for GLBT in Metro D.C., appointed David Mariner, local self-proclaimed ''consultant, advocate, and activist,'' as its...

  • Talking race and orientation

    The local chapter of Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) kicks off a discussion series, Brothers and Sisters Under the Rainbow, at...

  • Picking Favorites

    An annual poll asking Shaw residents to pick their favorite new business puts Nellie's Sports Bar, located at 900 U St. NW, in the No....

  • Problem Solver

    Brian Watson likes to fix things. But a decade before making Washington his home and establishing himself as one of the city's most prominent young...

  • Coming Unglued

    Walking along U Street Northwest on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination, there is little sign that the neighborhood was on fire forty years...

  • A Church's Special Guest

    Reverend Fernando Frontan, a Protestant pastor credited as being the first openly gay activist in Uruguay, is currently leading several workshops and gatherings, on global...

  • Preparing for the Pope

    A small group of prominent gay Catholics is holding a press conference, ''A Few Minutes with the Pope,'' Thursday, April 10 from 9 to 11...

  • Protecting Peers

    About 80 members of the metro D.C. GLBT community and allies gathered Tuesday night to continue strategizing against one of the community's stealthier enemies: same-sex,...

  • The Return of Ziegfeld's

    Once a famous facet of the D.C. gay bar scene, all-male strip clubs faded into history when a new baseball stadium displaced the few remaining...

  • Life is a mystery

    “I think ‘Queer Nation’ and ‘Diva’ just go together. The diva in them recognized the diva in me.”  –Madonna on what it’s like to be one...

  • State of the World

    On March 11, the State Department released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007. A compilation of the LGBT- and HIV/AIDS-related portions is...

  • Fueling Oppression

    A few weeks ago, I was going to take up the call of American energy independence from a gay perspective. Some online research immediately pointed...

  • Out in the Open

    A lack of resources inspired Bruce Weiss, former executive director of the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL), to join forces last summer with a...

  • Uncommon decency

    In August 2007, D.C. announced the firing of three corrections officers for wrongfully placing a transgender inmate, who had female genitalia, in a male jail...

  • The government is hiding behind the court…

    “The government is hiding behind the court to close the newspaper. It is sending a message to the media that it will not tolerate press...