Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • “I’m going to take something you love from you”

    ”You take something you love from me and you can damn well bet I’m going to take something you love from you, too.” — Jimmy...

  • Wages of Sin

    It's unlikely that anyone was more surprised than I when I found myself agreeing with Maggie Gallagher last week. Granted, her pro-marriage views tend not...

  • Fighting to Keep Equality

    A group of Montgomery County residents, backed by Equality Maryland, filed a lawsuit March 14 against the County Board of Elections for certifying petitions from...

  • Old Timers

    More than 3,000 people are expected in Washington for the 2008 Aging in America Conference, scheduled for March 26-30, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel...

  • PEN Dinner

    The Potomac Executive Network (PEN), D.C.'s GLBT chamber of commerce, which works to promote the success of gay-oriented businesses and their allies in the metropolitan...

  • Do Tell

    It was almost embarrassing to be an American at a recent Georgetown University Law Center panel titled, ''Sexual Orientation and Military Preparedness: An International Perspective.''...

  • Strained Glass

    It was like a bad case of déjà vu. Walking into the Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, D.C. (MCCDC) on a Saturday morning only to...

  • Last Word

    ''First of all, no one's sexuality is anyone's business. It is not even my mother's business. I practice celibacy to give to my God.'' --...

  • Mautner Honors Maccubbin

    As an activist and entrepreneur, Deacon Maccubbin has been a guiding light in the area's GLBT community for more than 35 years. According to the...

  • Lavender Legalese

    It was more than a year ago that Lisa Kershner, a lawyer with a private practice in Calverton, Md., and others met with Dan Furmansky,...

  • Cure Cycle

    When Marty Rosen heard about Dr. Yuntao Wu's ''groundbreaking'' HIV research at George Mason University in Fairfax, she traveled from New York City to discuss...

  • Sowing Scorn

    In a recent op-ed, black lesbian commentator Jasmyne Cannick wrote, ''Charles Knipp is a self-described 45-year-old fat, gay white man who believes he's on a...

  • Last Word

    ''Well, you know, if I was a girl and he was a girl, and I was a lesbian and he was a lesbian, I'd be...

  • Allied for Pride

    Whitman-Walker Clinic announced on Tuesday, March 11, that its selection committee has chosen the Capital Pride Alliance to assume ownership of the annual Capital Pride...

  • Chili Night

    The Alexandria Gay & Lesbian Community Association (AGLCA) is encouraging ''small, medium and large businesses '' to take part in its first GLBT Friendly Business...