”My gay family & friends, as well as myself, KNOW I am not a homophobe. For years now I’ve known gay is not a choice;...
”These students want to be able to go in peace without fear of being watched, laughed at or groped…. They don’t have problems with transvestites...
” has wisely said these students need an environment that is safe and that helps them reach their full...
”We’re pulling the plug…. don’t want to be aligned with bigotry and homophobia and hatred.” Michael Heath, executive director of the evangelical group, Christian...
”Past experience shows that the parade greatly offends, deliberately and unnecessarily, the feelings of Jews, Muslims and Christians, who view its sheer existence, and the...
”The case raises a whole series of questions about the basis for which people can be denied medical treatment, particularly the extent to which gays...
”It’s not about a political statement, it’s about legally in California — the California Supreme Court says everybody is equally entitled to marriage. This is...
”Obviously, we have some concerns about any individual that comes into our park that is loitering and not there for what we consider the normal...
”It is with sadness that Matt and Kevin announce that their relationship has come to an end…. Their separation is amicable.” Portion of a joint...
“It’s a theme I embrace. Because all Justice Department employees have the right to be proud of who they are and the work that they...
”We feel like the minority, which is rare… We thought we’d be the only heterosexual couple, but we heard there have been others.” Reed Bennett-Eisen...
”Marriage between ‘gender neutral’ couples is legal in California, but our union is not recognized by the Federal Government and we don’t get the over...
”I think this is an example where the results of scientific research can have important social implications…. You have all this antagonism against homosexuality because...
The Whitman-Walker Clinic on Tuesday, June 17, announced that the organization's 1407 S St. NW administrative building has been sold to JBG Companies for $8...
Jeri Hughes, a member of D.C. Trans Coalition, on June 12 fired the latest shot in an ongoing melee between the D.C. Department of Corrections...