Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Looking Back on Pride

    The storm clouds remained at bay and the pavement never made it to the melting point. It's a tried and true formula for a perfect...

  • Premature Closing

    Bob Siegel, owner of the recently opened 2120 venue at 2120 West Virginia Ave. NE, closed the adult theater Tuesday morning, June 26, in compliance...

  • Raising the Bar

    Even as a child, Melvin White showed interest in the law as an avid fan of TV courtroom dramas such as Perry Mason. ''I was...

  • A 'Fix-It' Job at D.C. Fire Department

    While attending college, Sgt. J.B. Wallace never intended to become a paramedic. It was only after she earned a bachelor of science in psychology and...

  • Comprehensive Curriculum

    Eighth and 10th grade students in Montgomery County's public schools will embark on a controversial sexual- education curriculum this fall that includes discussion of sexual...

  • Here come the chatans

    Long before December 2006, when a panel of rabbis on the Conservative Movement's committee on Jewish law and standards voted in to allow individual seminaries...

  • Clearing the air

    D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said there are no plans to disband the city's award-winning Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit, despite media reports and an...

  • Before He Can Marry

    Forty years ago this week, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote in Loving v. Virginia, ''The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of...

  • Diving for Dollars

    Lambda Divers, a not-for-profit social organization that works to promote scuba diving among the gay community, donated a total of $5,700 to three organizations that...

  • 'Raw' Deal

    Sometimes it's not the four-letter words that cause a commotion. Sometimes it only takes three: r-a-w. That's the word that rankled some local sensibilities when...

  • Countdown to Closure?

    If ever there was a difficult row to hoe, the displaced gay adult venues formerly of Southeast D.C. can claim it. Open barely a month,...

  • History in the Unmaking

    The good news is that nobody was hurt. The bad news for local lesbian activist Cheryl Spector and other members of metropolitan Washington's gay community...

  • Granting Entry

    Brother Help Thyself (BHT) announced on June 2 that it has begun taking applications for grants from organizations that serve the GLBT and HIV/AIDS communities...

  • Death in the Family

    Richard Rausch will be noticeably missing at this year's Capital Pride festival. In previous years, Rausch, a founding member of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club...

  • Frank's Day

    To mark two occasions -- the District's 2007 Capital Pride week and the 50-year anniversary of Frank Kameny's entry into the public fight for gay...